general medicine

20 years old male came to OPD with a complaints of fever cough and vomitings since 5 days 

This is an online e-log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.

Date of admission 3/12/22

Cheif complaint

20 years old male come to OPD with a complaint of 
Fever since 5 days 
Vomitings since 5 days
Cough since 5 days 

History of present illness 

Patient was apparently asymptotic 5 days back than he developed fever high grade continuous type associated with chills and rigors relieve with medication.

Vomitins since 5 days daily 4 episodes non projectile watery in consistency 

Cough since 5 days non productive 

No h/o burning micturation
No h/o loose stools
No h/o head ache

History of past illness

Not k/c/o of diabetes mellitus,

Personal history 

Occupation -student 
Appetite -normal
Sleep -normal
Diet -mixed
Bowel and bladder -regular
No known drug allergies
No addictions

General examination 

Patient conscious coherent cooperative well oriented to time and place

No pallor

No icterus

No cyanosis

No lymphadenopathy

No pedal edema

No malnutrition

No dehydration


Temparature-101 F
Respiratory rate-16/min
Pulse rate-102/min
Blood pressure -110/70 mmhg

Systemic examination

No thrills
Cardiac sounds s1s2 positive
No cardiac murmurs

Respiratory system

No dyspnoea
No wheeze
Position of trachea central
Breath sounds vesicular



Shape -scaphoid
Umbilicus position central
Skin no scars
No dilated veins


Superficial palpation -no tenderness 
Temparature normal
Deep palpation- liver ,spleen not palpable
No palpable mass in abdomen


No fluid thrills 

Central nervous system

Level of consciousness -conscious

Speech -normal

No signs of meningeal irritations 

Provisional diagnosis


Clinical images

Final diagnosis
 Clinical malaria


Injection -zofer 4 mg iv
Injection -neomol 7 gm iv
Tablet -dolo 650
Tablet- Azithromycin 500 mg
Tablet -doxy 100 mg


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